Dr. Osvaldo R. Arce Burgoa
Osvaldo R. Arce-Burgoa, Geo. Engr. (UMSA, Bol.); Dr. of Eng. (Tohoku Univ., Japan); Fellow SEG, EE.UU.
Geological consultant with more than 25 years’ experience on mineral exploration, mining geology and mining project evaluation in Bolivia and in several countries in South America, North America and Asia-Pacific. He visited projects and mines in more than 40 countries and has crossed both polar circles.
Osvaldo Arce has a formation that includes studies such as: Doctorate of Engineering from the Tohoku University, Japan; Geological Engineering from San Andres University (UMSA) and Post-degree studies on International Management of Development Projects (IDB); Financial Analysis and Investment Operations Risks (Word Bank Institute, Queen's University), Management of Public Policies (JICA, Japan International Cooperation Agency); and other mineral exploration and Metallogeny courses in the US, Canada, Australia, Japan, Chile, Peru among others.
Early in his career (1984), he worked in COMSUR (Milluni mine) as a Mine Geologist, later in 1986 he joined the Japanese Cooperation Agency (JICA) as an assistant-researcher on mineral deposits. From 1992-1999 he worked first as Junior and then as Senior Geologist at EMUSA-ORVANA Joint venture (JV), being co-responsible for the discovery of the largest primary gold deposit in Bolivia (Pederson with 2.5 Moz Au). In 2000 he became the Exploration Manager of Sajama Bolivia -Peñoles JV; in 2001 he was Exploration Manager of Mitsui Mining & Smelting Corporation of Japan. In 2002 he was invited to take the position of National Director of the Geological Survey of Bolivia (SERGEOMIN). In early 2003 he was advisor to the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (COMIBOL). Between mid 2003 and late 2009 he returned to EMUSA as Exploration Manager and he leaded a geological team discovered more than 5 mineral systems (2 of them world class); later between 2010-2012 he was the Country Manager of Castillian Corp. Can.; between 2013 and 2015 he became the Executive Vice President of Feishang Corp. (E.M. Jacha Uru) with exploration and mine evaluations in Bolivia, Chile, Peru and Colombia. Between mid 2016 to December 2018 was a Consultant and Exploration Manager of the Canadian company Eloro Resources Ltd. based in Lima, Perú. Currently is partner of Empresa Minera Antis SRL and of Pacha Res. Inc., and independent consultant. Additionally, during his career he worked as a geological consultant for several international companies such as BHP, Newmont Corp., Placer Dome, Barrick Gold, GoldGroup, Dowa Mining, among others.
In the academic field he was an invited lecturer of Mining Geology at the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés; and also he taught Economic Geology and Geochemistry at the Technical University of Oruro; he authored the Mining and Metallurgy Engineering career at the Private University of Bolivia UPB and he was a speaker and instructor in several geoscience-mining national and international forums, mainly on promoting the geological-mining potential and Metallogeny of Bolivia.
Between 2010 and 2017 he was elected President of the Geological Association of Bolivia (re-elected two times). During his presidency, three successful geological congresses were held and more than 40 training courses for professionals and students, inviting over 20 international instructors. Moreover, during his terms, the association acquired its first owned headquarters that have all the facilities including the Auditorium “Friedrich Ahlfeld” of 70 people in capacity.
Dr. Osvaldo Arce is a Qualified Person and Practising Member of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario Canada (APGO) that enables him to prepare the reports of the National Instrument 43-101, JORC (Australia) and other similars, he is also Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG); member of the Prospectors and Developers association of Canada (PDAC); Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA); of the Geological Society of America (GSA); of of the Advisory Committee of “Geology in the Public Interest”; of the Colegio de Geologos de Bolivia; of the Sociedad de Ingenieros de Bolivia and member of the Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia.
He wrote two books related to the geology and metalliferous ore deposits of Bolivia, referred to the last 40 years of geological-mining activity in the country and the second edition in English Language namely “Metalliferous Ore deposits of Bolivia” that summarizes the geology of Bolivia, a new classification of the ore deposit types in the country; descriptions and data of mineral resources of the more relevant deposits of Bolivia. Finally, he authored more than 40 technical articles published.
- Doctor of Engineering (Economic Geology & Mineral Processing). Tohoku University – Japan, 1992.
- Professional Geological Engineer. Bolivian Government Certification, 1991.
- Geological Engineer. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés of La Paz, 1986.
- Bachelor in Geology. Universidad Mayor de San Andrés of La Paz, 1984.
- Diplomaed of “International Management of Development Projects”, (International Development Bank; Universidad Católica Boliviana, 2000-2001).
- Post degree Course “Financial and Risk Analysis of Investment Operations”, (The World Bank Institute - John Deutsch Intl. Exec. Progr. - Queen’s University, Canada, 2001).• Diplomaed “Management of Public Policies and Poverty Reduction”, (Japan International Cooperation Agency; Universidad Católica Boliviana, 2002-2003).
- Course on Metallog
- eny of the Central Andes and Bolivian Precambrian (Instructor and organizer), UNESCO-SEG-SGA, Bolivia, 2008
- Course on Metallogeny of the Andes, UNESCO-SEG-SGA, Chile, 2006
- Course on Metallogeny of the Andes, UNESCO-SEG, SGA, Argentina, 2004
- Practices on Advanced Mineral Exploration, Placer Dome Inc., Colorado y Nevada, 1996.
- Course on Porphyry Copper Exploration, BHP, La Escondida, Chile, 1999.
- Author of two comprehensive books related to Metalliferous Ore Deposits of Bolivia.
- Certification of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario-Canada (APGO) as a “Practising Member”, which enables him to prepare reports such as the National Instrument 43-101, JORC and other similars.
- Main Driver and promoter of the acquisition of the first owned offices of the Colegio de Geólogos de Bolivia como presidente de esa institución.
- Promoter of the continuing training and updating on Geosciences for professionals and students.
- Author of the Strategic Development Plan of the Bolivian Geological Survey.
- Co-Responsible of a team that discovered the Achachucani (Pederson) orogenic gold deposit of western Bolivia, resulting in a resource of 2.3 Moz gold, and for the Vinto, Nobel, Isvaya prospects in the same Exploration Corridor.
- Co-Responsible of a team that discovered a major ore body at the Cerro Amarillo (Zn, Sn, Ag, Pb) and Maragua (Ag, Sn, Zn) projects in central Bolivia.
- Supervised and managed the exploration program at the Toropalca (Zn) and Suipacha (Zn-Pb-Ag) projects, Southern Bolivia.
- Management of Mineral Exploration Divisions,
- Control and analysis of investments,
- Supervising exploration and costs programs,
- Corporative Balance Sheets,
- Analysis to the fluctuation of prices for metals,
- Title and rights of mineral properties,
- Manage and evaluate corporate acquisitions,
- Quantitative and Qualitative considerations about Market Risk,
- Project management from exploration to feasibility stage,
- Management style that assures an appropriate balance between major elements of management, i.e., production, finance, employee motivation and public and environmental concerns, all directed toward increasing stockholder's value
- Financing of geological-mining projects,
- Operative and Financial Review,
- Tight cost control, profit-centered, adamant about accurate and timely cost reporting & purchase-control systems,
- Elaborated several of business plans, budgeting, cost tracking systems and projections for exploration and exploitation activities.
- Evaluating joint ventures, and valued mining properties. Conducted academic research for BSc. theses. Researched mineral exploration and mining data.
- Computer literate in spreadsheets, CAD, corel draw, risk analysis, word processing, and statistical packages.
- Recognition of new mineral systems,
- Interpretation of satellite imagery,
- Geological mapping and geochemical sampling,
- Lithogeochemistry,
- Radiometric dating,
- Interpretation of Applied Geophysics (IP, magnetometry, electric and electromagnetic, gravimetric, radiometric, seismic, etc.),
- Geologic assessments of properties and mines of different types of ore deposits in various geologic environments.
- Generation and development of models of different styles of mineralizations.
- Design and supervising drilling programs,
- Detailed core logging,
- Improve the quality and effectiveness of geological evaluation,
- Property and mine evaluations of different type of ore deposits,
- Generate and develop the models of different styles of mineralizations,
- Ore reserves estimates and auditing in different type of ore deposits,
- Driving projects from exploration stage to pre-feasibility study.
- Supervision of exploration staff including skilled and unskilled workers and professionals.
- Management and consolidated human resource policies and practices.
- Negotiation of Joint Venture agreements between mining companies.
- Negotiation with workers unions.
- Presenter to company Boards, partners and contractors. Written reporting in English and Spanish. Author of two comprehensive books on Metalliferous Ore Deposits of Bolivia and twenty five scientific articles and progress and technical reports to government of Bolivia. University teacher of Economic Geology and Geochemistry.
- LTD. (Canada); Consultant and Exploration Manager, Lima. June 2016 to December 2018.
- ANTIS SRL., partner and Vice President Operations. Geological consultant. Current.• INDEPENDENT GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT. La Paz, January – May 2016.
- M. JACHA URU), Vicepresidente Ejecutivo, La Paz. Enero 2013 a diciembre 2015.
- UNIVERSIDAD MAYOR DE SAN ANDRÉS, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Invited Lecturer of Mining Geology, La Paz. March to October 2010.
- CASTILLIAN CORP. (Canadá), Country Mnager, La Paz. November 2009 to December 2012.
- EMPRESA MINERA UNIFICADA S.A. (EMUSA); Exploration Manager, La Paz. May 2003 to March 2009.
- MINING CORPORATION OF BOLIVIA (COMIBOL); Technical Advisor. October 2002 – April 2003.
- BOLIVIAN GEOLOGICAL SURVEY (SERGEOTECMIN); National Executive Director. March 2002 – September 2002.• MITSUI MINING & SMELTING (Japan); Exploration Manager. February 2000 – February 2002.
- MINERA SAJAMA – PEÑOLES (Mexico); Exploration Manager. August 1999 – January 2000.
- EMUSA-ORVANA MIN. CORP.- BHP JV.; Project Manager. August 1998 – July 1999.
- EMUSA – ORVANA MINERALS CORP. JV.; Project Manager. August 1995 – July 1998.
- EMUSA – ORVANA MINERALS CORP. JV.; Exploration Geologist. September 1992 – July 1995.
- INDEPENDENT GEOLOGICAL CONSULTANT. January 1991 – August 1992.• TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ORURO, Geological Engineering Department; Lecturer of Economic Geology and Geochemistry. March 1987-September 1987; and May 1991 – November 1991.
- JAPAN INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AGENCY (JICA); Researcher Geologist. March 1986 – January 1987.
- COMPAÑÍA MINERA DEL SUR (COMSUR); Mining Geologist. January 1984 - December 1984.
- Spanish (Mother Language), English (Second Language), Japanese and Portuguese.
- Association of Professional Gescientists of Ontario, Canadá (APGO).
- Consultative Committee of “Geology in the Public Interest”, Seattle.
- Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG).
- Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).
- Society of Applied Geology of Ore Deposits (SGA).
- Academia de Ciencias de Bolivia.• Colegio de Geólogos de Bolivia.
- Sociedad de Ingenieros de Bolivia. • Club de Minería de Bolivia
- Editor of the magazine “Minería, Construcción y Energía”.
- “Guía a los Yacimientos Metalíferos de Bolivia”, Impresores SPC, Minera San Cristóbal - Empresa Minera Unificada SA (EMUSA), La Paz, Bolivia, 355 p.
- “Metalliferous Ore Deposits of Bolivia”, SPC Impresores, La Paz, Bolivia, 348 p.
- Arce-Burgoa, O., 1990, Fundamental Study on Processing of Ore from the Huanuni mine, Bolivia: Tésis Doctoral inédita, Sendai, Japón, Universidad Tohoku, 168 p.
- Arce-Burgoa, O., 1986, Estudio Geológico y Mineralógico de las Vetas Keller y Bandy del Yacimiento de Huanuni, Tesis de Ing. Geol., La Paz, Bolivia, UMSA, 77 p.
- Cronología Metalogénica de los Yacimientos Metálicos de Bolivia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 22; No. 156; p. 14-17, La Paz-Bolivia, 2018.
- Bolivia en el Contexto Geológico-Metalogénico Regional. Memorias (en digital) del XXIII Congreso Geológico Boliviano. Oruro-Bolivia, Oct. 2018.
- Metallogenic Chronology of the Ore Deposits of Bolivia. Memorias del 11th South American symposium of Isotope Geology, p. 36 (abstracts), Cochabamba-Bolivia. July 2018.
- Mineralización Epitermal Miocena: Implicancia en los Procesos de Formación y Exploración de Yacimientos Minerales Bolivianos. Memorias (en digital) del XXII Congreso Geológico Boliviano. Santa Cruz-Bolivia, Nov. 2016.
- Volatilidad en los precios internacionales de los metales y sus efectos en la industria minera Boliviana. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 19; No. 144; p. 32-35, La Paz-Bolivia, 2015.
- The Huanuni Sn-W-Pb-Zn-Ag vein deposits, Bolivia: Structure and mineralogy. c/ L. Arqués; A. Amorós; D. Artiaga; B.Torres; L. Torró; J.C. Melgarejo; R. Condori & N. Guevara, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, May 2015.
- Revisión acerca de la Naturaleza de la Mineralización Estannífera en Bolivia y el Sudeste Asiático. c/ R. Lawrence. Memorias del XXI Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 19-24, Cochabamba-Bolivia, Oct. 2014.
- Volcanismo y Mineralización en el Altiplano Boliviano. Memorias del XXI Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 25-32, Cochabamba-Bolivia, Oct. 2014.
- A review of the nature and occurrence of primary Sn-W deposits with an emphasis on Southeast Asia and South America. c/R. Lawrence. Dept of Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, Oct. 2014.
- The Poopó Sn-Ag-Zn-Pb vein deposit, Bolivia: structure and mineralogy. c/B. Torres; D. Artiaga; L. Torró; E. Tauler & J.C. Melgarejo. Departament de Cristalografia, Mineralogia y Depósitos Minerales, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, November 2013.
- Vetas de oro orogénico en la Región Segovia-Remedios en Colombia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 16; No. 85; p. 32-39, La Paz-Bolivia, Mayo 2013.
- The Viloco Sn-W-Mo-As deposits, Bolivia: geology and mineralogy. c/ D. Artiaga; B. Torres; L. Torró; E. Tauler & J. C. Melgarejo. Departament de Cristalografia, Mineralogia y Depósitos Minerales, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, February 2013.
- Gestión Estratégica para una nueva minería en Bolivia. Periódico La Patria Oruro, Diciembre 2012.
- Modelos conceptuales para los yacimientos auríferos de Bolivia. Memorias del XX Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 23-30, La Paz-Bolivia, Oct. 2014.• Metallogeny of gold. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 15; No. 82; p. 25-27, La Paz-Bolivia, Mayo 2012.
- Metalogenia del oro en Bolivia. Memorias de las Bodas de oro del Colegio de Geólogos de Bolivia. Octubre, 2011.
- NANA Corporation de Alaska, un Ejemplo a Seguir. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 14; No. 79; p. 27-29, La Paz-Bolivia, Octubre 2010.• Metalogenia de Bolivia. Memorias XIX Congreso Geológico Boliviano, p. 15 – 22, Tarija-Bolivia, 2010.
- Time for a Second look at Bolivia. c/ J. McNamee). Northern Miner Journal. June-July 2010, Vol. 96. Number 19-0.
- Metalogenia de Bolivia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 13; No. 73; p. 15-18, La Paz-Bolivia, Marzo 2009.
- Metallogeny of Bolivia. c/ R. Goldfarb). SEG (Society of Economic Geologists) Newsletter, Octubre 2009, No. 79, p. 7-15, EE.UU.
- Metalliferous Ore Deposits of Bolivia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 13; No. 71; p. 22-28, La Paz-Bolivia, Marzo 2009.
- Guía a los yacimientos Metalíferos de Bolivia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 11; No. 51; La Paz-Bolivia, Marzo 2007.
- Yacimientos y Recursos Metalíferos de Bolivia. Memorias del XVII Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 198, Sucre-Bolivia, Oct. 2006.
- Gestión Estratégica de la Nueva Minería. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” Año 10; No. 41; p. 25-27, La Paz-Bolivia, Marzo 2006.
- Historia de la Exploración Minera en Bolivia. Revista “Minería, Energía y Construcción” p. 32-36. Año 9; No. 39; La Paz-Bolivia, Dic. 2005.
- Exploración Minera en Bolivia. Memorias del XVI Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 167-170, Oruro, Oct. 2004.
- Perfiles de Proyectos Geológico-Mineros. Memorias del XVI Congreso Geológico Boliviano. p. 487-489, Oruro, Oct. 2004.